What is Maca powder? What are the benefits of Maca powder? Is Maca powder only good for sexual health? What is the difference between red, yellow and black Maca? What is Maca powder good for?
Maca is energetic and warm in nature cruciferous vegetable which tends to ground the human mind, body, and spirit. Maca balances Vata dosha in Ayurveda and excessive intake can increase Pitta and Kapha.
So, where did Maca originate?
Maca is a Peruvian plant native to the Central Andes mountains for more than 2000 years. In the central region of Andes, it has been used since the pre-Incan age where it is considered a gift from the gods and is offered in many of their traditional ceremonies. It is believed that people indigenous to the area began using Maca themselves after they saw the positive effect it had on their livestock especially for energy and fertility.
Maca is a very tolerant plant and grows in intense cold, extremely intense sunlight and strong winds. The natural habitat of Maca is 12,500-14,400 ft above sea level. It is the world’s highest growing vegetable that responds well to temperature extremities, subpar soil conditions, strong winds and intense sunlight. It is a cruciferous vegetable, making it a close relative of cabbage, turnip, mustard etc.
Gerhard Walpers , a German botanist, names the species Lepidium meyenii in 1843 which was later also recognized by USDA.
What is in Maca?
Maca is one of the few foods to be considered an adaptogen. Adaptogen is a plant extract that helps the body to fight the damaging effects of stress. It also promotes and restores physiological functions of the body. In today’s day and age, that effect alone justifies the inclusion of Maca in our health routine! In addition to the above, dried maca powder consists of 13-16% protein, 8.5% fiber, 19 essential amino acids, vitamins and minerals, iron, and calcium along with free fatty acids and unique compounds called macaenes and macamides.
What is the difference between Red, Yellow, or Black Maca?
Despite coming from the same seed, growing in the same soil, and belonging to the same species, maca roots grow in a variety of colors.
The color of Maca root is limited to the skin only. They are all off-white from inside, similar to a radish or turnip. When Maca roots are harvested, farmers dig them out and place them in burlap bags for transport. At a central location, all roots are then sorted , immediately separated by color and then dried.
Until late 1990s the color of the maca root was not an issue, they were all combined together at harvest and then consumed as a mixture for their various health benefits. It is only when researchers began to discover that different colors of the root presented slightly different nutritional profiles, they were separated into red, yellow and black maca. Many studies and analysis have confirmed that there is a little-to-no difference between the nutritional profile of each color.
Red Maca, however, has gained slightly more popularity based on 2 reasons:
It has shown to be higher in certain compounds that support the body in antioxidant and antitumoral activity. It also contains slightly higher level of phytonutrients.
Maca’s flavour in general is similar to a malty caramel flavour. Red Maca is milder and the sweetest of all colours making it most palatable. You can sprinkle this Maca over oatmeal or smoothie bowl to add a bit of sweetness.
Health Benefits of Maca Powder
Boosts Libido in both Men and Women
Low sex drive can be attributed to so many factors in our life including stress, food habits, living conditions, etc., making it a quite common problem in adults.
The most well-known benefit of Maca root is its potential to boost libido. There are several studies that associated intake of Maca with improvements in sexual functioning among men as well as women.
Improves Fertility
Due to its adaptogenic properties, Maca works on the endocrine system to balance and regulate hormone levels in both men and women. Scientific studies have found that maca boosts sperm production and increases sperm activity in men . In women, it increases regularity in their cycles with easier ovulation.
May help relieve the symptoms of Menopause
During menopause, female hormonal system undergoes a great deal of change which can lead to a variety of symptoms including stress, hot flashes, night sweats, insomnia, vaginal dryness, anxiety, mood swings, weight gain… seems like a never ending list. Doesn’t it?
Maca contains nutrients to stimulate the body to produce balanced levels of hormones, particularly estrogen. Maca helps alleviate menopausal symptoms if used consistently and regularly. The benefits are also noticed in postmenopausal women.
Boosts energy and endurance
It is a very popular supplement among body builders and athletes. It is believed to help you gain muscle mass, increase strength, boost energy and improve performance. There has not been many studies around this yet so more scientific evidence is needed to confirm this benefit.
Mood improvement
As of 2017, 300 million people around the world have depression, according to the World Health Organization. It affects people from all walks of life irrespective of their background or age.
Several studies have been conducted so far to confirm that maca can enhance your mood, reduce anxiety and symptoms of depression. Maca contains flavonoids which are believed to improve mood and reduce anxiety.
May Enhance Memory and Learning
Maca has been traditionally used by natives in Peru to improve children’s performance in school. It is believed to improve brain function in children as well as adults.
Apart from the above benefits, Maca is also recognized for improving acne, maintaining strong teeth and bones, enhancing hair growth, stimulate thyroid function , sun protection when applied to the skin and fighting free radicals in our body. All of these benefits are due to the fact that Maca helps in hormonal balancing of our bodies.
Difference between Raw and Gelatinized Maca
Raw Maca powder is made from roots that have never been heated above 100F , preserving their enzymes and nutrients at peak levels .
Gelatinized Maca powder is made from roots that are heated to remove starch content. The heat removes enzymes and vitamin C but preserves other major nutrients. They are great for anyone with a sensitive digestive system.
Best ways to incorporate Maca in your diet
Maca is easy to incorporate into your diet. It can be taken as a supplement or added to your smoothies, smoothie bowls, oatmeal or baked goods. Remember to speak to an expert about dosage before incorporating it in your diet. You can find Rootalive Organic Maca powder here!
To wrap up, although there are few health risks associated with taking maca, most people can try a dose of maca without experiencing any adverse side effects.
Maca and its extract show a lot of promise but still needs to be studied more extensively.