



by CloudPixel Infotech on Jan 11 2025
The health benefits of psyllium husk are many and dietary psyllium supplementation has not only been a common home remedy but is often touted by doctors wanting to offer simple, non-prescription solutions to their patients. Psyllium husk is a natural way to add dietary fiber to your diet in to order to manage blood pressure, or other common chronic diet and lifestyle-related issues. What is Psyllium Husk? Psyllium is a highly valuable fiber derived from the seeds of Plantago ovata. This remarkable herb which grows in India contains 70% soluble and 30% insoluble fibers which are incredibly helpful to the human digestive system The soluble fiber provides bulk to our digestive system, creating a sense of fullness and slowing digestion. The insoluble fiber provides a type of bulk which contributes to regularity and provides natural laxative effects. Psyllium husk is the main active ingredient in Metamucil, a fiber supplement often used to reduce constipation. As a result of these benefits, it is highly effective as a dietary supplement and is usually found in the form of husk, granules, capsules or powder. It can also be obtained through fortified breakfast cereals and baked goods that have psyllium as an ingredient. Because of its excellent water solubility, psyllium can absorb water and become a thick, viscous compound that resists digestion in the small intestine. That feeling of fullness it creates can assist in weight loss regimes as it delays feelings of hunger. In addition to aiding in weight management, it can relieve diarrhea and constipation. Psyllium husk is a highly valuable nutritional ingredient which promotes healthy digestion and bowel regularity. More Benefits of Psyllium Husk Todays busy lifestyle and reliance on packaged convenience foods have also seen a rise in an inadequate consumption of fiber. Psyllium husk's natural resistance to digestion allows it to help regulate high cholesterol, triglycerides, and blood sugar levels. A healthy bowel is a defense against irritable bowel syndrome, heart disease, and bile acid diarrhea - three common, chronic diet-related issues which are all too common nowadays. Moreover, unlike some other potent sources of fiber, psyllium is well tolerated with no side effects. Psyllium husk is an affordable, accessible addition to your diet that serves to maintain regularity, as well as manage weight gain, heart disease, and high cholesterol - common issues related to our diet. There are so many health benefits of psyllium husk!



by CloudPixel Infotech on Jan 11 2025
You’ve likely heard the term “superfood” tossed around quite a bit and have probably heard about all of the benefits offered by these nutrient-rich dietary additions. But what are superfoods? Superfoods do more than just help you meet your daily nutrient requirements or aid in weight loss. In fact, with their medicinal properties, these foods can help you achieve better overall health, prevent chronic disease, and improve the way you feel day in and day out — and they are some of the top anti-aging foods too. When combined with regular exercise and a balanced diet, adding a few of these top superfoods into your day can benefit many different aspects of your health. Superfoods in Ayurveda Although the concept of “superfoods” can be traced back to the start of the 20th century, it has experienced a rise in popularity in more recent years as it became a buzzword for better health. In recent years, several sources have tried to set a more specific definition for superfoods. Superfoods in Ayurveda mean nutrient-rich foods that are especially beneficial for health and overall well-being. Meanwhile, people also consider foods that are rich in compounds like antioxidants, fiber, or fatty acids as Superfoods as they give boost to a person’s health. However, with no real definition and people increasingly referring to the best superfoods or green superfoods, it has caused quite a bit of confusion for consumers. Often the food industry has used “Best superfoods” to market meal plans for extreme weight loss and detox diets that may not in fact be very healthy. Power of Superfoods Today, more and more studies continue to emerge, evaluating the powerful effects that food can have on health and confirming the extensive benefits that superfoods have to offer. Thousands of years ago the Ayurveda described the health benefits of certain foods which we know as Ayurvedic Superfoods. We all know that eating healthy can have a major impact on the way you feel. Load up on the fast food and processed junk and you’ll probably start to feel sluggish, tired and weighed down. Cram tons of nutrient-dense fruits and veggies into your diet and you’ll likely find yourself full of energy and feeling good. Superfoods take it to the next level, helping optimize your body’s ability to function by supplying a megadose of nutrients as well as adding natural immunity boosters to your body. They are known to have a positive effect on the immune system, have anti inflammatory properties, and improve digestion. So finally, do we have the answer to, what are superfoods? Although there are no set criteria as to what defines a superfood, these are foods suggested in Ayurveda which are used in Indian cooking that are jam-packed with nutrients and can help provide your body with the vitamins and minerals you need to thrive, survive, and feel great. Include a few servings of the ingredients on the superfoods list with herbs and spices into your day paired with a balanced diet and regular physical activity and you are bound to feel better than ever.
Ghee - History , significance , benefits and much more!


Ghee - History , significance , benefits and much more!

by CloudPixel Infotech on Jan 11 2025
What is Ghee? Ghee is a specialty that hails from India. It is a form of highly clarified butter that is obtained by melting regular unsalted butter at a high temperature until milk solids and liquid fats are separated. Once the separation is done, milk solids are removed by straining the liquid through a muslin/cheesecloth. Let us discover the history, significance and benefits of Ghee in our day to day. Brief History of the Indian Clarified Butter Ghee has been used in tradition Indian cooking for many many years and is a staple in every household till date. Ghee is considered the most precious oils in Ayurveda and is also referred to as “The Golden Goddess”. Ghee is considered sacred in Ayurveda and Hinduism because of its various health benefits and medicinal applications. Ghee is a yogavahi —a catalytic agent that carries the medicinal properties of herbs into the seven dhatus or tissues of the body. Ghee pacifies pitta and vata and is acceptable, in moderation, for kapha. (Read more about Doshas or biological synergies of human body) . It is also believed to help build physical and mental strength and stability or Ojas. When we have healthy ojas, we have a strong immune system and the ability to withstand stress. What are the health benefits of Ghee? I remember my Mother using ghee for us with every opportunity she got – cooking with it, putting it on our roti, massaging our skin with it, applying on burns and scrapes. All of this in addition to lighting a ghee lamp with a cotton wick in our little temple at home. How can something so simple offer so many health benefits if used in moderation? Lets take a look Helps keep you warm from within: According to Ayurveda, ingesting Ghee keeps you warm from within, which explains why every winter all our favorite home-made desserts in India were made with Ghee. Indian winter is not nearly as harsh as winters in Canada so more reasons for us to include a little bit of Ghee in whatever way we can in our diet. Source of good fat : Trying to lose weight? Ghee is a rich source of healthy fats that help you burn fat and weight loss. It helps pull fat-soluble toxins out of the cells and triggers fat metabolism, a process where the body kick-starts to burn its own fat for fuel. Good source of energy Ghee contains medium-chain fatty acids which the liver can absorb directly and burn immediately, promotes heart health, and is a source of energy than most of the carbs we eat today. Nursing mothers are especially given some desserts loaded with Ghee to boost energy levels. Keeping constipation at the bay: It is believed that taking warm milk with 1 to 2 tsp of Ghee before bedtime can gently relieve constipation. Promotes flexibility and reduces inflammation: Ever wonder how Yogis in ancient times were able to do so much with their bodies. That is because Ghee was an essential part of their diet. It lubricates the joints and connective tissues and promotes flexibility. Great for skin: Dry skin is quite common nowadays. A highly effective way to combat dry skin is by massaging it with warm ghee. Its vital fatty acids act as a nourishing agent that can do wonders to infuse life in your dull skin. Promotes positivity: Ghee is sattvic food in Ayurveda. It is believed that sattvic foods are rich in life-force and they promote good health, positivity, and personal growth. As a matter of fact, I have used Ghee on my newborn babies. Everyday massaging their belly buttons with 2 drops of warm ghee, helped keep their skin and lips soft, supple, and moisturized all the time. Another herbal remedy that my mother passed on to me. Every time, my son or daughter had a stomachache, I would warm up Ghee with a pinch of Asafoetida (an Indian spice), massage it on their belly button and stomachache would be cured in no time. Ghee can be stored in a mason jar at room temperature from three months to a year. There is nothing better than a jar of homemade ghee. So, go ahead and make your own bottle of “The Golden Goddess”. I recently bought an Instant pot and could not believe how simple it was to make Ghee in it. Remember, like any other source of fat, it only provides you the above benefits and much more if used in moderation. Using it in excessive quantities may have negative impacts on your health.
Maca Powder - What is the scoop?


Maca Powder - What is the scoop?

by CloudPixel Infotech on Jan 11 2025
What is Maca powder? What are the benefits of Maca powder? Is Maca powder only good for sexual health? What is the difference between red, yellow and black Maca? What is Maca powder good for? Maca is energetic and warm in nature cruciferous vegetable which tends to ground the human mind, body, and spirit. Maca balances Vata dosha in Ayurveda and excessive intake can increase Pitta and Kapha. So, where did Maca originate? Maca is a Peruvian plant native to the Central Andes mountains for more than 2000 years. In the central region of Andes, it has been used since the pre-Incan age where it is considered a gift from the gods and is offered in many of their traditional ceremonies. It is believed that people indigenous to the area began using Maca themselves after they saw the positive effect it had on their livestock especially for energy and fertility. Maca is a very tolerant plant and grows in intense cold, extremely intense sunlight and strong winds. The natural habitat of Maca is 12,500-14,400 ft above sea level. It is the world’s highest growing vegetable that responds well to temperature extremities, subpar soil conditions, strong winds and intense sunlight. It is a cruciferous vegetable, making it a close relative of cabbage, turnip, mustard etc. Gerhard Walpers , a German botanist, names the species Lepidium meyenii in 1843 which was later also recognized by USDA. What is in Maca? Maca is one of the few foods to be considered an adaptogen. Adaptogen is a plant extract that helps the body to fight the damaging effects of stress. It also promotes and restores physiological functions of the body. In today’s day and age, that effect alone justifies the inclusion of Maca in our health routine! In addition to the above, dried maca powder consists of 13-16% protein, 8.5% fiber, 19 essential amino acids, vitamins and minerals, iron, and calcium along with free fatty acids and unique compounds called macaenes and macamides. What is the difference between Red, Yellow, or Black Maca? Despite coming from the same seed, growing in the same soil, and belonging to the same species, maca roots grow in a variety of colors. The color of Maca root is limited to the skin only. They are all off-white from inside, similar to a radish or turnip. When Maca roots are harvested, farmers dig them out and place them in burlap bags for transport. At a central location, all roots are then sorted , immediately separated by color and then dried. Until late 1990s the color of the maca root was not an issue, they were all combined together at harvest and then consumed as a mixture for their various health benefits. It is only when researchers began to discover that different colors of the root presented slightly different nutritional profiles, they were separated into red, yellow and black maca. Many studies and analysis have confirmed that there is a little-to-no difference between the nutritional profile of each color. Red Maca, however, has gained slightly more popularity based on 2 reasons: It has shown to be higher in certain compounds that support the body in antioxidant and antitumoral activity. It also contains slightly higher level of phytonutrients. Maca’s flavour in general is similar to a malty caramel flavour. Red Maca is milder and the sweetest of all colours making it most palatable. You can sprinkle this Maca over oatmeal or smoothie bowl to add a bit of sweetness. Health Benefits of Maca Powder Boosts Libido in both Men and Women Low sex drive can be attributed to so many factors in our life including stress, food habits, living conditions, etc., making it a quite common problem in adults. The most well-known benefit of Maca root is its potential to boost libido. There are several studies that associated intake of Maca with improvements in sexual functioning among men as well as women. Improves Fertility Due to its adaptogenic properties, Maca works on the endocrine system to balance and regulate hormone levels in both men and women. Scientific studies have found that maca boosts sperm production and increases sperm activity in men . In women, it increases regularity in their cycles with easier ovulation. May help relieve the symptoms of Menopause During menopause, female hormonal system undergoes a great deal of change which can lead to a variety of symptoms including stress, hot flashes, night sweats, insomnia, vaginal dryness, anxiety, mood swings, weight gain… seems like a never ending list. Doesn’t it? Maca contains nutrients to stimulate the body to produce balanced levels of hormones, particularly estrogen. Maca helps alleviate menopausal symptoms if used consistently and regularly. The benefits are also noticed in postmenopausal women. Boosts energy and endurance It is a very popular supplement among body builders and athletes. It is believed to help you gain muscle mass, increase strength, boost energy and improve performance. There has not been many studies around this yet so more scientific evidence is needed to confirm this benefit. Mood improvement As of 2017, 300 million people around the world have depression, according to the World Health Organization. It affects people from all walks of life irrespective of their background or age. Several studies have been conducted so far to confirm that maca can enhance your mood, reduce anxiety and symptoms of depression. Maca contains flavonoids which are believed to improve mood and reduce anxiety. May Enhance Memory and Learning Maca has been traditionally used by natives in Peru to improve children’s performance in school. It is believed to improve brain function in children as well as adults. Apart from the above benefits, Maca is also recognized for improving acne, maintaining strong teeth and bones, enhancing hair growth, stimulate thyroid function , sun protection when applied to the skin and fighting free radicals in our body. All of these benefits are due to the fact that Maca helps in hormonal balancing of our bodies. Difference between Raw and Gelatinized Maca Raw Maca powder is made from roots that have never been heated above 100F , preserving their enzymes and nutrients at peak levels . Gelatinized Maca powder is made from roots that are heated to remove starch content. The heat removes enzymes and vitamin C but preserves other major nutrients. They are great for anyone with a sensitive digestive system. Best ways to incorporate Maca in your diet Maca is easy to incorporate into your diet. It can be taken as a supplement or added to your smoothies, smoothie bowls, oatmeal or baked goods. Remember to speak to an expert about dosage before incorporating it in your diet. You can find Rootalive Organic Maca powder here! To wrap up, although there are few health risks associated with taking maca, most people can try a dose of maca without experiencing any adverse side effects. Maca and its extract show a lot of promise but still needs to be studied more extensively.
Why Copper mug is good for water too , not just Moscow Mule?


Why Copper mug is good for water too , not just Moscow Mule?

by CloudPixel Infotech on Jan 11 2025
Growing up in India especially in a household inspired by natural healing, I often saw my grandmother storing water in a copper vessel, and we were always encouraged to drink water in copper mugs. At that time, it seemed to be the right choice, given her Ayurvedic way of life. In our household, although we had glass and stainless-steel cups, at least once a day my mother would give us water in a copper cup. We would always have a copper vessel full of water in our kitchen for us to drink from. This is thousands of years old Ayurveda practice called 'tamra jal'. What happens when you store water in a copper vessel/mug? Copper is an essential trace mineral that is vital to human health. Storing water in a copper vessel creates a natural purification process also known as the Oligodynamic Effect. It can kill all the microorganisms, molds, fungi, algae and bacteria, present in the water that could be harmful to the body and make the water perfectly fit for drinking. In addition, water stored in a copper vessel, preferably overnight or at least for four hours, acquires a certain quality from the copper. It has antimicrobial, antioxidant, anti-carcinogenic and anti-inflammatory properties. It also helps neutralize toxins and thus achieving healthy skin. According to Ayurveda, drinking copper-enriched water first thing in the morning on an empty stomach helps balance all three doshas (Kapha, Vata and Pitta) ensuring proper functioning of our organs as well as metabolic processes. Want to know more about dosha? Read more about Doshas or biological synergies of human body We all know the best plant based dietary sources of copper include whole grains, lentils, nuts, seeds, chocolate, cereals, potatoes, peas and some dark green leafy vegetables, however drinking 2 to 3 glasses of water that has been stored in a copper vessel for at least 4 hours to overnight is another convenient way to supply your body with enough copper. Remember, 2-3 glasses of this water is absolutely adequate. Its important to not overdo it! Why should I drink water from a copper mug? In addition to the above, there are several other benefits of drinking water stored in a copper mug: Helps the digestive system perform better Copper has properties that help kill harmful bacteria and reduce inflammation within the stomach, making it a great remedy for ulcers, indigestion and infections. It also helps cleanse and detox your stomach, regulates the working of your liver and kidneys, and proper elimination of waste and ensures the absorption of nutrients from food. Aids weight loss The fact that it helps fine tune your digestive system makes it a good boost to your metabolic system hence weight loss. It also promotes the breakdown and elimination of fat cells. Helps heal wounds faster Copper is known for its high anti-viral, anti-bacterial, and anti-inflammatory properties. It is also the main component in the production of melanin that defines the color of our eyes, hair, and skin. Melanin also helps keep the skin safe from sun harm, along with speeding up wounds, and scar healing process. Slows down ageing Packed with very strong anti-oxidant and cell forming properties, copper fights off free radicals, one of the main reasons for the formation of fine lines. So if you are worried about fine lines and wrinkles, do try drinking out a copper mug! Improves Cardiovascular health Copper helps regulate blood pressure, heart rate and lower one’s bad cholesterol and triglyceride levels. So, it keeps your heart health in check. Acts as an anti-carcinogenic Copper has very strong antioxidant properties that helps fight off free radicals and negate their ill effects – one of the main reasons for the development of cancer. Protects you from infections Due to its immense anti-bacterial properties, it is especially effective against E.coli and S.aureus, two bacteria that are commonly found in our environment and are known to cause severe illnesses in the human body. Regulates the functioning of the thyroid gland Low copper levels have often been linked to thyroid disease. Drinking from a copper mug, helps elevate copper levels in the body thus regulating the functioning of thyroid gland. Combats arthritis and joint pain Along with anti inflammatory properties, Copper also has bone and immune system strengthening properties, helping to mitigate arthritis and rheumatoid arthritis. Helps fight anemia Copper aids the body’s absorption of iron, which plays a key role in fighting anemia Thus, there are many people who believe cooper to be an overall natural immunity booster. Numerous religious temples in India and across the world still use a copper cup (called “lota”) to store the holy water (Ganga Jal). This water is given to everyone to drink, during their temple visit. This practice has been continued for many decades and I know it will continue for many more years to come. So, all in all, Copper mugs are not just good for Moscow Mule. Copper mugs are great for drinking water too. It is hard to find copper vessels in Canada, but you can find copper mugs (yes Moscow mule mugs!) and I fill them up with water each night for the next morning. Copper cup (“lota”) This is one of those small changes that will introduce your health to healing properties! We only need 2-3 glasses of this water every day!  



by CloudPixel Infotech on Jan 11 2025
Ayurveda offers ways to attain a more balanced life and internal sense of being through knowing ourselves with the concept of Dosha. Have you ever wondered how are we different from each other? Why are some people more active and alert than others? Why are some people inherently happy and positive all the time while some make it seem like they are carrying the entire world’s weight on their shoulders? I have often heard people say, “How can you eat whatever you want, I look at food and gain weight?” This is a lie; it is something I always say to my husband. So, what makes us different? Ayurveda and the Doshas While modern genetic research offers answers to these questions to some extent, Ayurveda answers these questions by defining three biological energies are known as the 3 Doshas. They are Kapha, Vata, and Pitta. According to Ayurvedic Medicine, we each have a dominant dosha, characterized by air, fire, water, and earth elements. Our own Dosha controls the creation, preservation, and breakdown of bodily tissue and elimination of wastes, as well as psychological aspects, such as emotions, understanding, and love. When the physical, mental, and emotional aspects are all well balanced, the doshas are successfully maintaining the systems of the body. When our Dosha is impacted by changes in your diet and lifestyle, an imbalance is created. Ayurveda suggests many ways in which we can balance these doshas for our bodies. Each dosha comprises of certain qualities that are expressed in the physical, emotional, and mental aspects of one’s being. They are meant to provide every human being a blueprint to their health and fulfillment. The doshas are derived from the Five Elements and their related properties. Vata is composed of Space and Air, Pitta of Fire and Water, and Kapha of Earth and Water. The chart above pretty much sums up the differences in the 3 doshas. Vata: Space & Air The Vata Dosha body is long, lean: an "ectomorph". They are inspirational when balanced, scattered, and anxious when out of balance Eating raw vegetables, dry fruits can cause Vata imbalance. Foods such as cooked root vegetables can help balance Vata. Pitta: Fire & Water The Pitta body is well defined with good muscle tone. Their body type is called mesomorph. They are determined and focused when balanced, and aggressive and angry when out of balance. Foods such as hot peppers and pickled foods can aggravate Pitta. Cooling foods balance Pitta. Kapha: Water & Earth The Kapha Dosha body is stocky and stout: an endomorph. They have well-developed muscles and don't lose weight easily. They are stable and secure when balanced; stubborn and attached when out of balance. Foods such as dairy products and oily foods can cause Kapha imbalance. Light foods such as raw vegetables, and less red meat or less meat, in general, can restore Kapha balance. There is a lot we can do on our own to balance our doshas and make our bodies stronger internally. Food is a natural healer Here is a quick cheat sheet of what you can do and what you can eat to balance your dosha. Remember every little bit helps! Remember, you are what you eat so small changes are better than no changes at all.



by CloudPixel Infotech on Jan 11 2025
Ayurvedic medicine is part of an ancient tradition that taps the power in plants, to combat seasonal viruses, with home remedies for colds and flu. Ayurveda literally means life (Ayur) knowledge (Veda). The ancient system of Ayurveda emerged from deep meditation and other spiritual practices of great rishis or seers of ancient India. It is believed that sages or seers of those times co-existed with nature. Most of their time was spent studying plants and trees around them so they could be used for medicinal purposes. These traditions continue to provide valuable home remedies for winter cold and flu. Even today you can do much to keep your family healthy with these simple, but powerful home remedies. Cold & Flu Season in Canada: Ayurveda to the rescue! It’s cold and flu season in Canada and nasal congestion, sore throat, fever, and other symptoms of a cold or virus infection spare no one! Whether you are going out to work, for groceries, or have school-going children, there is always a chance of bringing the virus home and spreading it to others. I have two school-going children and if one gets it then we all get it too! Simple plant-based remedies to prevent or treat cold & flu? Herbs like Ashwagandha, Triphala, Amla and Tulsi (Holy basil) are known to boost immunity. Spices like Turmeric, Cumin, Ginger, Cardamom and Cinnamon have cleansing and immune-stimulating effects on our body. Growing up, thanks to my mother’s advice to stay hydrated, and her profound knowledge in home recipe Ayurveda to combat the virus, our family stayed healthy with plant-based remedies for the common cold and flu. Now herein Canada, I use a lot of these home remedies for the seasonal virus in my household to prevent colds and keep my family healthy. Remember I talked about this “Amla Murabba” relish in my previous blog. That is used regularly in our household to boost immunity. Holy Basil - ancient immune booster Tulsi (Holy Basil) is a very common household plant in our household. Every morning my mom would encourage us to take one leaf of this plant and chew slowly. I have this plant in my home here. As this plant likes warm weather and a lot of sun, I usually place it outside from May to October and then by the brightest window for the rest of the months. It is also believed to be an auspicious plant for your home. This is my Holy Basil plant – still so healthy and full! Soon I will be moving it indoors for winter. Herbal Tea Recipe for Sore Throat That Kids Will Love Every time one of us had an early onset of a cold or scratchy throat, my mother used to make a steep tea with Cinnamon powder, Turmeric Powder, a pinch of black pepper powder, fresh ginger, fresh lemon, and a spoonful of honey. She would also add a couple of leaves of either holy basil or fresh mint. It was so flavourful and effective for cold or sore throat. For my kids, since they like everything sweet, I add a piece of a peppermint candy cane, it makes it extra minty and a bit on the sweeter side. My kids love this drink! For a sore throat, while many families may gargle with simple salt-water, a tastier gargle of Turmeric powder and a pinch of salt can also work as a pain reliever, and to help with swollen lymph glands. I love to sing so losing my voice feels very restricting to me. I use these gargles often to keep my throat free of any virus or pain. I have come to see in powerful ways, growing up in India, and now with my own family in Canada that Ayurveda herbs combat the side effects of colds, viruses, and flu. Their antimicrobial properties defend the immune system to keep the family healthy with easy home remedies. I wholeheartedly believe that is the way our Mother Nature intended it to be and somewhere during all this modernization we forgot the basic essence of our existence. In my next blog, I will talk about another ancient practice “drinking water in copper mugs”! A new trend but is it really new? Stay tuned!



by CloudPixel Infotech on Jan 11 2025
Ayurveda used for home remedies keep the whole family in good health and are an accessible alternative to conventional medicines. We talk about the modernization and globalization of health and wellness trends year over year. However, if you look carefully, they are nothing but a derivative of Ayurvedic medicine and mind-body awareness practiced for centuries in the Indian sub-continent by our forefathers. The more we move towards a plant-based culture the more relevant plant-based treatments become. Thousands of plants and trees in our eco-system were meant to heal different ailments in our bodies. It is time to go back to our roots and use herbal remedies to begin to undo all the damage this generation has done to both their bodies as well as the ecosystem. I grew up with many of these Ayurvedic practices, don’t get me wrong, I’m not that old! Growing up, my mother would introduce me to “home remedies” or shall I say modern-day “hacks”. As a child, I never paid too much attention and always thought of them as yet another thing she was trying to impose on me. Ayurvedic Healing Traditions at Home I grew up with 2 other siblings and one of the perks of being a middle child was that I was always in the second position when trying some of these home remedies. If you are sick, you are the privileged recipient of all these amazing things while your siblings earn the right to laugh at you! Childhood Memories of Golden Turmeric Milk The very first one I can remember is Turmeric Milk. We often got hurt while playing on charcoal roads. Charcoal roads were our playgrounds as our community did not have sidewalks, parks or our houses did not have driveways. We would fall every now and then and bruise our knees or elbows. Each time, I mean every single time one of us had an injury, my mother would warm up some milk, add some ghee (clarified butter) and Turmeric powder to it. We were forced to drink it. “If you don’t like the taste, plug your nose and drink it, you won’t taste anything”, my mother’s favorite line. By the way, I use that line on my kids now and it works! This was all until we were adults and then we started resisting and finding ways to run away from all the home remedies. After all these years, once again I heard of “Golden Milk” or “Turmeric Latte” in North America and I thought – WOW it's back!Now the whole world is acknowledging the fact that Turmeric is a powerhouse packed with healing properties and it helps to heal from within. Turmeric contains curcumin which has anti-inflammatory properties that help with joint pain, liver health, Alzheimer’s, and circulation amongst many other health benefits.Talk about adapting to a tradition and making it better – now we add Cinnamon Powder, Cardamom Powder, and a few other superfoods to it. It's a delicious ayurvedic concoction with positive side effects! This is the same Ayurvedic “Golden Milk” I grew up with, only a much healthier and nutritious version of it! Ayurvedic DIY Face Masks Ayurveda for home remedies also involves face masks and scrubs for healthy glowing skin. For lighter clearer skin, every Sunday, my mother would make a face mask for me and my sister. This face mask consisted of chickpea flour, yogurt, turmeric, neem leaf powder with potato juice. We would apply this face mask before our bath and then wash it off when dried. Aren’t DIY face masks a great trend currently also? Neem Leaves have great anti-bacterial properties which are amazingly effective in eliminating facial pimples and acne. Neem has been used in Ayurveda for its antibacterial, anti-fungal, and anti-viral properties to treat skin conditions like simple acne or eczema & psoriasis. For thick, long hair, we got a scalp massage every week with Coconut Oil. Oh, how I remember running away from my mother when she would walk in the room with that bottle of Coconut Oil. It was sticky, it was smelly, and the worst part of our day.At that time, there was not enough awareness around Organic Virgin Coconut Oil, or OVCO. What we used was a more processed version of it. Now, Organic Virgin Coconut Oil (aka the healthiest oil on earth) is trending as a topmost health trend. People are using it for hair, skin, cooking, swishing, and many other uses.There are so many health benefits to Organic Virgin Coconut Oil which has now been uncovered however it has been used for centuries in Ayurveda for its healing properties and positive effects on body and mind. Ayurveda is a system of medicine with historical roots in the Indian subcontinent. Growing up in India, I had the privilege of experiencing a lot of these practices first-hand. It makes me so proud to see some of these practices being modernized and globalized in other parts of the world, and very much here in our home in Toronto, Canada. In my upcoming blog, I will continue to talk about some of these age-old traditions that are returning with a modern-day spin!



by CloudPixel Infotech on Jan 11 2025
"Ayurveda is the most sacred science of life, beneficial to humans in this world and beyond" I love this quote! Ayurveda nutrition is in practice for 5,000 years. It emphasizes good health, prevention, and treatment of illness through balanced lifestyle practices (such as massage, meditation, yoga, and dietary changes) and the use of herbal remedies. I have learned first-hand that medicine comes from nature, not from a lab. Ayurvedic medicine is holistic, which means viewing the body and mind as a whole. Nutrition with Ayurveda not only treats a person’s physical complaints, but it also changes lifestyle practices to help maintain or improve health. What do you think about a world where doctors give no medication and medical advice diagnosis, and treatment is rather to encourage their patients in the care of human frame and diet in order to prevent diseases and support overall health? You are what you eat after all! Diabetes affects more than 62 million people just in India. My father was a diabetic for most of his life, but he was the only one out of his seven siblings who was not insulin-dependent, thanks to his ayurvedic diet. I never understood that at the time and honestly never even took interest in understanding how the ayurvedic lifestyle can restore balance. One thing that I remember very clearly is that my father would always drink a certain concoction first thing in the morning, which my mother prepared for him. According to my mother, whatever was in that morning drink was the reason for my father to stay on just a pill and not be insulin-dependent like all his other siblings. The Ayurvedic Nutrition & Lifestyle Later in life I asked my mother to explain what was in that drink. It had Ceylon Cinnamon Powder, Fenugreek powder , Neem Leaf powder with some freshly crushed ginger. According to Ayurveda, for thousands of years, we have understood that small amounts of all of these spices/herbs have been known to reduce the level of blood sugar in our body. She often raved about how my grandmother used this drink to keep my grandfather's blood sugar level in check throughout his life. Ceylon Cinnamon's Health Benefits Ceylon Cinnamon is known to control diabetes and reduces blood sugar levels in the body by stimulating activity of the insulin. It reduces insulin resistance in the body. This helps glucose metabolize in the liver, according to research. Fenugreek Seeds are also used to control diabetes, improve glucose tolerance, and lower blood sugar levels since it is high in fiber. Eating this slows down our digestion, allowing blood sugar to be absorbed properly. One can either use a powder form or soak some fenugreek seeds overnight and use that water to mix the rest of the ingredients. Neem leaves enhance insulin receptor sensitivity in Beta cells, lowers blood glucose levels, and reduces one’s dependence on hypoglycaemic drugs. It has been found that it reduces the need for insulin by the body by a significant percentage. Understanding all the above made me appreciate Ayurveda and my mother’s knowledge in a new light. I resolved to lead a healthier life. Cooking with Amla Fruit What’s an Indian household without pickles and chutneys? All through the year, the one thing that was served with dinner every day was a sweet and spicy relish. We used to call it “Murabba” (similar to poached fruit). My mother used to make this relish at home in large quantities. This relish had the ability to turn even a boring meal into an interesting and delicious one. Little did we know that what my mother was serving us was Amla fruit also known as the Indian Gooseberry. This beautiful looking fruit might as well be called the wonder fruit. In addition to many digestive benefits, it is also a great source of minerals, reduces arthritis pain helps in pregnancy, helps in constipation, prevents ulcer, keeps cholesterol in check, boosts immunity, helps with menstrual cramping, boosts iron levels, presents anti-aging properties, and helps with scars and acne if used in a face pack. I’m not surprised this “murabba” was a staple on our dinner table. In Ayurvedic cooking, Amla is considered one of the most potent and nourishing foods. The Charaka Samhita says, “Amalaki or Amla is the best among rejuvenating herbs.” WOW! So much to share…. It’s hard to believe that all of the herbs and spices that grew literally in my backyard back home would be globalized and modernized at this scale many years later. I will continue to talk about some of these age-old Ayurvedic traditions that are returning with a modern-day spin!
Meant to be.....


Meant to be.....

by CloudPixel Infotech on Jan 11 2025
First Blog! I never thought I would sit here and write a blog and that anyone would be interested in whatever I have to say… But here I am! Choosing a single topic to write about can be a daunting task because if you are like me, you always have your own universe of thoughts in your mind. I have a lot of stories to tell, honestly, I do! Both personal and professional and then some are intertwined, which are the best ones I must say! You always have many experiences that resonate with you in all your roles in life – as a daughter, sister, wife, mom, employee, or employer! Some of them you want to play repeatedly, and some memories lie in a beautiful corner of your heart forever. Through this blog, I will try to give you a sneak peek into our backgrounds, how we arrived at a decision of quitting our corporate lives and getting into a business of something we had no knowledge about. Starting at the start! Before I start, I briefly want to talk about Ayurveda and how the 5,000 year old practice has influenced my life. My mother introduced me to ayurvedic herbs, ayurvedic products as well as ayurvedic beauty regimes since I was a child. I am amazed how today’s generation is drawing upon the age-old Ayurveda remedies and traditions. I am excited to see natural ingredients and natural beauty enjoying the limelight in our current society.OK let us talk a bit of history now…promise to not bore you, stay with me! OK let us talk a bit of history now…promise to not bore you, stay with me! Sanjay (my husband) and I immigrated to Canada in 2002. We were brought up and married in India. A lot of people at that time asked – Why did you come to Canada? To be honest, I think we didn’t know the big picture at the time. At that time what was important to us was a good quality life where you have a right to basic necessities of life like clean food, water, air and hydro. Also, where the top most virtue was honesty. We would have fought for all the basic necessities in India while running our own business but what we refused to give up was our honesty and ethics. We did not want to join the red-tapism and run our business like everyone else. Pretty sad state of affairs, right? So, we decided to try and live in an honest country and one of our friends led us to Canada. We have been here for 17 years and Canada, you have been awesome in more ways than we can ever express. 17 years later if you ask me now “Why we came to Canada?” my answer would be quite different. So much has happened in the 17 years, we have lived a life we could not even imagine with our share of joys and sorrows, highs and lows, positives and negatives. Through all this, the one thing that we managed to keep intact is our honesty and integrity. That feeling of doing everything right in a day when you put your head on your pillow – is PRICELESS! Shortly after we arrived, I started working with Bell Canada and Sanjay found an entrance into the fashion industry. We were young and restless and hardworking – all great ingredients for success at workplace. We invested almost 10 years working at these jobs but also trying to create our family. We went through years of fertility treatment, lost 4 babies and then finally succeeded! (That journey is a book in itself, maybe someday I will gather the courage to write about my journey to making a family with 2 kids) Anyway, back to this, as Sanjay approached the big 40 he started to realize that in a race to be successful in his corporate life, he forgot about his dream. His dream of owning a business of his own in Canada. Typical 40s realization, right? Show of hand if you are 40 and above and relate to this feeling! Was it the right time to leave our successful jobs and jump into something absolutely new? A difficult decision for some but it came about very easy for us. You know why? Because of everything we had gone through in the last 10 years. We knew life is unpredictable, we knew who came to this world must leave as well and we knew that our family that took 10 years to be complete, deserved to live a happy and healthy life. Sanjay decided to quit his job (while I was on maternity with our second child… yikes!) and venture into his own business. The business of what? No idea. All we knew was it had to be something related to helping people lead a healthier life, helping people live their best life with healthy choices every day. And this is how Rootalive was born! Our 3rd child – who we promised to love and nurture just like the first two! That summer we took a trip to India – you know they say you always run back to your roots for inspiration! Well we did too! During our visit, we managed to travel to a village and meet some farmers. Hold your breath while I tell you what we uncovered there… ** Suicide rate was at an all-time high in India due to farmers not being given a fair price for their crops. ** Each day a farmer and his family had to make a choice – Which meal do they want to eat today? ** Each day they had to make a choice to cover either the top or the bottom of their body as clothes were limited? All of those basic necessities I talked about earlier, were a far-fetched dream for farmers and their families. That was the day we decided, whatever we do, will be for the upliftment of farmers. Could we have done something for all of them? No, but could we have started somewhere, YES! Rootalive in partnership with a local co-op decided to buy products from these farmers at a fair price and bring them to Canada. Slowly but surely that Co-op has grown to about 500 farmers today. Our vision did not stop there though. You’ll be surprised to know how many people don’t pick up an Organic product because of price difference. Second part to our vision was to bridge the gap between conventional and organic food. We decided to keep our costs low and operational expenses under check so we could price our products in favour of our end customers. Now that looked like a complete vision, uplift the farmers and also make Organic affordable for our customers. This is a work in progress though with so much changing all the time around us. Why should I follow your blog, you ask? As a loyal consumer of a product, I would love to know who they are and how they got into a business like this one. Hope you enjoyed reading my story aka my first blog. This story is evolving and we are not done! Even if you are not a user of our products, this story is for everyone who is sitting on the fence and trying to decide whether to take that big leap and pursue their dreams. I kid you not, is it easy? Hell No! Is it worth it? ABSOLUTELY AND WHOLEHEARTEDLY YES! Stay tuned for the next one as I dive into some of the traditional practices I grew up with and see how they are presented in a modern way today!
What is Psyllium Husk? Benefits, Uses, Recipes and More


What is Psyllium Husk? Benefits, Uses, Recipes and More

by CloudPixel Infotech on Jan 11 2025
Psyllium Husk is an amazing herb that is both gluten-free and vegan. It is mainly used for supporting digestive health because of the fibre content.Fibre is vital to deliver essential nutrients to the entire body. Most commonly, we receive fibre from whole grains, fruits and vegetables.The reality is, most individuals do not consume enough fibre-rich foods each day and it can pose health issues such as constipation.The recommended daily fibre intake is anywhere from 25-30g, depending on age and gender. The average North American consumes just 15g per day.Psyllium husk can be a great addition to the diet along with other whole foods to help with digestion for the whole family. WHAT IS PSYLLIUM HUSK? Psyllium husks come from a plant called Plantago ovata. This plant grows worldwide but is most commonly grown in India. The husk surrounding the psyllium seed is a rich source of soluble fibre. Soluble fibre draws water into the gut, which can soften the stool and support healthy bowel movements. This can help to promote easy and healthy elimination as it sweeps the waste from the colon. Psyllium contains a hemicellulose fibre called arabinoxylan, a type of viscous water-soluble fibre that attracts and binds with water(1). Psyllium husks also contain mucilage and this causes them to expand by attracting water and forming a slippery gel. They are approximately 70% soluble fibre and 30% insoluble fibre. A popular way of consuming psyllium husk is in powder form. This form is edible soluble fibre and a prebiotic. Prebiotics are food for the beneficial bacteria in the digestive system. WHAT ARE THE BENEFITS OF PSYLLIUM HUSK? HELPS WITH IBS Psyllium husk is both safe and effective in improving Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) symptoms for most individuals. IBS can cause a significant amount of pain, stress and gastrointestinal symptoms such as bloating, gas and cramping. In a review of 14 randomized controlled trials, psyllium supplementation had a significant beneficial effect on reducing the severity of IBS symptoms(2). One study showed positive results when children with IBS consumed psyllium husk. The treatment showed improvements with abdominal pain and stool patterns in these children with IBS as there was a reduction in abdominal pain episodes. Another study demonstrated that long-chain, intermediate viscous, soluble and moderately fermentable dietary fibre, such as psyllium, results in low gas production and the absence of symptoms related to excessive gas production. These results have been documented as part of IBS management and are known for improving overall symptoms. (3)(4) CONSTIPATION Up to 19% of the North American population (about 63 million people) are not eliminating properly. Constipation is a huge issue! Psyllium husk softens the stool which can help individuals with constipation, hemorrhoids, anal fissures and similar conditions. Along with assisting with digestive issues, it can reduce cholesterol levels, reduce blood sugar levels and can potentially aid in weight loss as it gives a sense of fullness. For individuals with diarrhea, it can sometimes be recommended to help soak up the excess fluid and improve bowel function. A randomized controlled trial featuring 170 participants showed that consuming psyllium(5) can: Increase bowel movement frequency. Lead to higher water content in stools, which made them softer. Provide a greater laxative effect on constipation compared to supplements such as docusate sodium. BALANCES BLOOD SUGAR Psyllium can help individuals who are diabetic or those working towards preventing diabetes. A study showed that taking psyllium husk daily can help those with Type 2 Diabetes to control their blood sugar levels without any negative side effects.(6) HEART HEALTH & BLOOD PRESSURE Adding additional high-fibre foods into the diet such as psyllium husk can help to lower the risk of heart disease. A diet high in water-soluble fibre such as psyllium husk is associated with lower triglyceride levels and a lower risk of cardiovascular disease. A study showed that psyllium husk improved blood sugar along with the reduced risk of coronary heart disease. (7) FEEDS THE BENEFICIAL BACTERIA Fibre can be incredible for those without bacterial imbalances. Fibre is one of the natural habitats for beneficial bacteria in the gut. They love to feed on it, producing a whole host of good nutrition for the gut wall and the whole body. The colon of the human gastrointestinal tract contains a large population of bacteria. Approximately 55% of the solids in feces are bacteria and fungus. Psyllium is great for maintaining the bacterial balance in our colon, which then strengthens immune function. For those with existing bacterial imbalances, it is important to rebalance the gut first, and then slowly reintroduce fibre. If there isn’t a healthy balance of bacteria in the gut, adding high amounts of fibre can feed the bad bacteria. It is also important to note that because psyllium husk is fermented in the large intestine, those following a low FODMAP diet should eat it with caution. THE SCOOP ON COMMERCIAL FIBRE SUPPLEMENTS The truth is, many popular commercial fibre brands on the market today contain sugar, artificial flavours, colours and fillers. These ingredients can cause health issues and exasperate digestive issues. Studies show how a diet high in sugar and processed foods can lead to gut dysbiosis (imbalance of gut bacteria) which will lead to constipation and or diarrhea. Sugar is the leader of dysbiosis as it feeds the bad bacteria in the gut. The best way to add fibre to your diet is from whole foods. This makes psyllium husk a perfect option to help to increase your fibre intake and reduce constipation HOW TO USE PSYLLIUM HUSK There are many ways to add psyllium husk into your everyday diet. You can bake and cook with it, or you can simply add some to water and drink it. Here are my recommendations for dosages: For adults and children over 12 years of age: Mix 1 tsp. of psyllium husk powder to water or liquid of choice. For children ages 6 to 12: Mix ½ tsp. into a glass of water. It can be taken 1 – 3 times per day. Once the psyllium husk has been mixed with water, it will thicken and create a gel-like consistency. The mixture should be consumed immediately upon mixing. If symptoms of minor gas or bloating occur, reduce the dose each day until your digestive system adjusts. NOTES: When consuming psyllium husk or other high-fibre sources, ensure you are drinking adequate amounts of water to help prevent constipation. Psyllium husk is best consumed on an empty stomach. To receive the maximum health benefits from psyllium husk, it is best to take it on its own, however, you can still bake and cook with it to receive some of the benefits. I recommend using Rootalive’s psyllium husk as it has exceptional quality. Rootalive’s psyllium husk has 99% purity in comparison to the market standard of 85-95%. The general rule of thumb for assessing purity is the colour of the psyllium husk. The lighter the colour is, the higher the purity of the product. When it comes to our health, it is important to use high-quality ingredients. COOKING TIPS & TRICKS Psyllium husk is known for helping to keep the digestive system moving, but it’s also amazing for baking! Bakers, including myself, love to use psyllium husk/powder as it helps to thicken and bind baked goods like cakes and bread. The water is absorbed and helps to give the product a thicker texture. Psyllium husk has become a common thickener and binder for gluten-free cooking and baking. It has a wheat-like texture without the wheat making it perfect for those with celiac disease and gluten-intolerance. Psyllium husk helps to bring the structure back into baked goods so your gluten-free recipes aren’t dry and crumbly. I have personally enjoyed using Rootalive’s psyllium husk and psyllium husk powder in many of my gluten-free recipes. My family enjoys coconut flour and psyllium husk wraps, gluten-free herb buns, garlic flatbread and cinnamon raisin buns. We love to have a chicken fajita night and use the delicious homemade coconut flour and psyllium husk wraps. Psyllium husk can also be added in soups and sauces for a thickening agent, smoothies, and other recipes, like overnight oats to mask the texture! Adding in psyllium husk to a smoothie can be a great way to incorporate into your diet without even noticing it. It is a perfect option for kids too! A common breakfast for my toddler is a high-fibre berry smoothie. It consists of high-fibre foods like Rootalive’s psyllium husk. I also like to add in some Ceylon cinnamon for its antioxidant properties and blood sugar benefits. (8) (9) Try my family’s high fibre smoothie: Serves: 2 Ingredients: 1 cup of frozen berries 1 banana 2 tbsp chia seeds 2 tbsp Rootalive psyllium husk 2 cups of dairy-free milk 1/4 cup gluten-free oats 2 tsp Rootalive Ceylon cinnamon Directions: Place all ingredients into the blender. Blend on high for a minute or until smooth. EGG REPLACER Psyllium husk also makes a great egg substitute similar to a flax egg. Substitute 1 egg for 1 teaspoon of psyllium husk with 1 tablespoon of warm water. Let it sit for 2 minutes until it forms into a gel-like substance. Then you’re ready to add it to your baking mixture just as you would an egg. FINAL THOUGHTS Psyllium can give a fibre boost to the body so it can be worth incorporating into your family’s diet. It is a great way to maintain good bowel health along with a whole foods diet. It can also help to achieve a feeling of fullness. In addition to all that, psyllium makes a great ingredient to create many delicious gluten-free recipes for the whole family! Some family-favourite recipes using psyllium husk include coconut flour wraps, gluten-free herb buns, garlic flatbread, and cinnamon raisin buns. If you try out the psyllium husk recipes, make sure to tag us on Instagram so we can see! @rootalive @reclaimedhealthjayde ABOUT THE AUTHOR Jayde MacLean, Certified Nutritional Practitioner Jayde is a Certified Nutritional Practitioner with a passion for helping those with digestive issues, IBS, bloating and celiac disease. At the age of 13, Jayde was diagnosed with celiac disease and had to make changes to her diet and lifestyle to overcome her health challenges. Jayde has created an online Digestive Wellness Program to help those with a compromised digestive tract. Jayde lives in Bowmanville, Ontario with her husband, son and German Shepherd, Hope. Follow Jayde on Instagram @reclaimedhealthjaydeWebsite:
Organic Ashwagandha Root Powder


Organic Ashwagandha Root Powder

by CloudPixel Infotech on Jan 11 2025
Ashwagandha has been used for thousands of years in traditional Ayurvedic medicine. In Sanskrit, ashwagandha translates to "smell of horse” as it’s said to give the individual consuming the herb the vitality and strength of a horse (!) among many other health benefits, more on that below. Ashwagandha is part of the nightshade family, a shrub that produces small red fruit. It is native to the dry regions of India, northern Africa, and the Middle East, and also grown in more mild climates, including the United States.The extract is taken from the root and fruit of the plant and typically ingested in pill or powdered form. In powdered form, it tastes slightly bitter, so it makes for a great superfood addition to smoothies and warm lattes.I personally love to add superfood powders like Ashwagandha to energy balls (see recipe below) for a nutritional boost in a healthy snack.Now, let’s go over some of those health benefits! Health Benefits of Ashwagandha Ashwagandha is considered a potent adaptogen. Adaptogens are herbs (and some mushrooms) known to help the body manage stress and “adapt” to the exact needs of the individual consuming them. Other adaptogens include ginseng, reishi mushrooms, holy basil, schizandra, milk thistle, and aloe vera.Ashwagandha has the unique ability to help calm the adrenals. When it comes to our stress hormone, cortisol, levels are naturally supposed to rise and fall in periods of stress and relaxation. However, in our modern society, we spend our days under high stress more often than not. We’re experiencing raised cortisol levels due to work, commuting, news, current events, from constant incoming texts, emails,   social media notifications and more. By reducing stress and anxiety, the adaptogenic properties of Ashwagandha can help lower cortisol levels, sustain energy throughout the day, prevent restlessness and insomnia in the evening and promote restful sleep. Ashwagandha is also a source of iron improving red blood cell production, and antioxidants necessary to help protect our bodies from oxidative stress. It is also said to have anti inflammatory properties and has been beneficial in treatments for rheumatoid arthritis. Other benefits of ashwagandha include lowering blood pressure, managing blood sugar in those with and without diabetes and boosting the immune system. Always choose a well sourced, organic ashwagandha like Root Alive Organic Ashwagandha Root Powder. Disclaimer: Ashwagandha is generally considered safe, but is not recommended for use by pregnant or breastfeeding women. Remember to speak to an expert about dosage before incorporating ashwagandha in your diet. Discontinue use if you experience headaches, drowsiness or stomach upsets Ashwagandha Truffle Energy Balls Ingredients 1 cup organic rolled oats½ cup creamy natural peanut butter2 tbsp organic coconut oil, melted2-3 tbsp pure maple syrup or honey2 tbsp coconut flour1 tbsp hemp seeds2 tsp Ashwagandha powder1 tsp vanilla extract1 tbsp cacao powder (for rolling)   Method Mix all ingredients together in a food processor. Using a tbsp measure and roll into small balls. Roll each ball through cacao powder. Place balls in a container and let set in the fridge for at least an hour. Store in the fridge for up to a week.Katherine Krivanek, R.H.N.Kat Krivanek Nutritionwww.katkrivaneknutrition.comInstagram: @katkrivaneknutrition
Delicious Tips to Use Gluten-Free Flour In Your Kitchen


Delicious Tips to Use Gluten-Free Flour In Your Kitchen

by CloudPixel Infotech on Jan 11 2025
If you’re new to gluten-free flours, you might find them to be a little intimidating to use. After all, baking often requires that you get the proportions right, and it’s not always feasible to use a trial-and-error method when testing out a new flour. Our guide will help recipes demystify some of the most common types of gluten-free flour and help you use them in your with confidence and ease. Amaranth Flour Derived from the amaranth plant, this flour has a nutty taste and is high in protein and essential amino acids. It adds a delicious texture and flavour to bread and other baked goods. Amaranth flour is often used in a blend with another flour since it can impart a bit of a bitter taste if used alone. You can mix it with a regular flour or another gluten-free option if you so choose, particularly if you’re working with a recipe that requires the dough to rise. Green Banana Flour Just like its name implies, green banana flour is made from underripe bananas. The fruit is dried out and ground into a fine powder for use in baking and cooking. Although a mild hint of banana is present, the flour is relatively neutral tasting, which means it is much more versatile than you may give it credit for. In other words, it’s for more than just banana bread. Packed with potassium and resistant starch, which helps maintain gut health, this flour also boasts an impressive mineral profile, containing zinc, magnesium, phosphorus, and manganese. Three-quarters of a cup of green banana flour can be used to replace 1 cup of all-purpose. Coconut Flour The coconut is a real workhorse. We drink coconut water, eat coconut flesh, and extract its oils for cooking and beauty regimes. And yes, when milled into a fine flour, coconuts can be used for baking as well. Like coconut oil, the flour does have a subtle scent and flavour to it, but it’s mild enough to blend into most of your recipes. It requires a bit of experimentation to get the ratios right - generally, a ¼ cup of coconut flour is used for one cup of regular flour. Coconut flouralso tends to absorb water - another rule of thumb suggests adding 2 extra tablespoons of liquid for every 2 tablespoons of coconut flour used. Cassava Flour Milled from the cassava plant, cassava flour is one of the easiest swaps - it can be substituted at a 1:1 ratio with conventional wheat flour, making it a very popular gluten-free choice. It resembles regular flours in both taste and consistency but has fewer calories per serving, making it a good choice if you’re watching your weight. It also contains a high concentration of vitamin C, an antioxidant that helps maintain and repair cellular function while improving immunity. With gluten-free foods becoming mainstream, skipping gluten isn’t nearly the struggle it used to be. Using gluten-free flour in your cooking and baking can be an easy way to introduce more protein, fibre, and nutrients into your homemade foods, even if you do not have a gluten intolerance. Rootalive has all the GF flours in stock. Enjoy experimenting with different types of GF flours to find your new favourite. Need more inspiration? Here is a perfect recipe to start with - Rainbow Vegan Gluten Free Pizza
Easy Ways to Use Superfoods in Your Daily Diet


Easy Ways to Use Superfoods in Your Daily Diet

by CloudPixel Infotech on Jan 11 2025
Resolutions...what are those again? If that just about sums how your success so far with your 2021 resolutions, firstly, know that you’re not alone. Many of us plan for big, sweeping changes that will significantly upgrade the way we approach our lives, and while that’s not a bad thing, the secret to making resolutions that stick lies in a more incremental approach. If one of your New Year’s resolutions involve eating better, we’re here with some good news. It really doesn’t need to take any extra effort to include nutrient-rich, antioxidant foods into your daily routine. What is Ayurvedic Nutrition? Ayurveda is a framework of health and nutrition that dates back centuries and is rooted in Hindu tradition. A central tenet of this lifestyle relates to the idea that the right diet can help prevent illness and malaise. It’s a very intriguing concept, especially given the increased interest in natural health and wellness over the past few years and as we cope with the current pandemic. After all, who among us couldn’t use an extra dose of overall well-being these days? While an Ayurvedic practitioner can provide specific suggestions geared towards your needs, many of the ingredients used in traditional Ayurvedic nutrition and cooking are considered “superfoods” today. How to Include Superfoods in Your Diet? What are superfoods and their health benefits? They’re foods that are particularly concentrated in vitamins and minerals, filled with trace nutrients not readily available elsewhere, or full of antioxidants to reduce inflammation and oxidative stress. Increase the servings of superfoods in your diet and build immunity with Rootalive. These superfoods and blends are easy to combine into your food and drinks for a seamless addition to your busy routine. For example, we like smoothies as a quick way to add more Ayurvedic superfoods to our meals. They’re a convenient source of nutrition and a great way to mix in a little extra kick of Ayurvedic goodness. How to Build Immunity with Rootalive? Many of our products blend beautifully into drinks to give your body the extra boost it needs. For example, both amla and ceylon cinnamon powders are useful for fending off colds and improving your immunity. It mixes well with fruit and honey but can also be taken with water. For a more warming option, turmeric and ashwagandha powders have antioxidant properties and are great added to tea and heated milk, perfect for cold days. Raw, organic cacao powder is a close cousin to the cocoa kind you might be more familiar with, but with a heart-healthy twist. It’s an excellent source of plant-based iron, calcium, and magnesium. It can be used in place of cocoa powder in recipes and also to make a rich, warming hot chocolate without all the sugar. Humans are creatures of habit, and new ones take any time from about a month to the better part of a year to stick. These delicious and extra-healthy
Is Dried Fruit Healthy?


Is Dried Fruit Healthy?

by CloudPixel Infotech on Jan 11 2025
Many of us were introduced to dried fruits as kids by the mini raisin boxes we got as snacks. And if you’ve stopped there, you’re missing out. Contrary to popular myth, dried fruit can be a wonderfully nutritious and delicious addition to your diet. These wrinkly wonders can be eaten straight from the bag, sprinkled on a salad or charcuterie board for a unique flavour profile, or added to your favorite home-baked treats. And that’s just scratching the surface. There are so many ways to incorporate these healthy morsels into your daily routine. Is dried fruit good for you? Dried fruit hasn’t always had the greatest reputation. But by weight, dried fruit actually contain more nutrients than fresh. With the water removed, the resulting product contains a concentrated source of vitamins, minerals, and fiber. When looking for wholesome dried fruit choices, check for ones without added sugar, the use of artificial preservatives or color. And while no one will argue that chocolate or yogurt-covered raisins are tempting, they’re closer to candy than a body-boosting snack. Rootalive’s dried fruit selections are minimally processed, organic and vegan, made with your health in mind. The fiber found in dried fruits helps you feel fuller for longer, and their natural sweetness helps cut your cravings for something sugary. Dried fruit vs. fresh fruit Dried fruits shouldn’t take the place of fresh fruits in your diet - there’s a time and a place for both. Fresh fruit and juices are delightfully refreshing and a hydrating treat. After all, what’s better than a slice of watermelon on a hot summer’s day or the sweet and tangy blend of a banana-strawberry smoothie? But dried fruit is tasty and convenient - easy to tuck away in a bag for a small, mess-free snack - no drips or sticky fingers, and the package can be quickly closed to enjoy at another time. Dried options also offer you the opportunity to enjoy fruits that aren’t typically in season or available at your local supermarket. You may have snacked on dried mango, but have you tried some of the more unique choices out there? Fruits like jackfruit, pineapple and papaya can be difficult to find fresh, and their dried counterparts are a shelf-stable way to add these foods, and their unique blend of nutrients, to your meals. Health benefits of dried fruit If you’re looking to target a particular area of your health, eating the right dried fruit can help. Gut health has been a topic of interest for years and maintaining an ideal balance of good bacteria in your system can help you feel your best. Most dried fruits, particularly pineapple and jackfruit, are great for improving your digestive health, with high levels of fiber and prebiotics. Dried papaya and jackfruit are a great source of vitamin C and antioxidants for an immunity boost, with extracts that help reduce cholesterol and improve heart health. Dried mango is rich in potassium, essential for physical function. And believe it or not, dried papaya may even help regulate the production of stress hormones in the body! The next time you feel like a snack, challenge yourself to a handful of dried fruit. Your body will thank you for it. They also make great on the go snacks for the entire family. Kids of all ages love our dried fruits so let those little hands reach for a pack or two!